Go Glos Comms At The Southwest Business Awards


Last night was a fantastic night for Go Gloucestershire Communications at the annual Southwest Business and Community awards event at the Hilton Hotel in Swindon. We were nominated Best New Start Up of 2019 and then even more excitingly shortlisted to the final, out of hundreds of other local businesses!

In the last 18 months we have worked incredibly hard to help local businesses embrace the latest communications IT technology and grow!

“We feel that this nomination is a great representation of our hard efforts and we look forward to working alongside and helping many more local organisations in 2019!” Michael Stanley, company Director.

Go Glos Comms marketing partner Jason Conway from Cre8urbrand was there with company Director Michael Stanley, alongside hundreds of other forward thinking businesses who were up for nominations. This was also a fantastic charity fundraising event and a great cause for creating awareness about how much extra help and support these organisations need.

Thank you for all of the support from our business partners. suppliers and of course all of our friends and family who have all helped us get to where we are today!

Here’s to another great year for Go Gloucestershire Communications and all of the other businesses that were at the event.

Please contact us direct to see how we can help your business. We offer a FREE no obligation telecoms and IT review to all businesses and charities! Call us on 01452 238866 or email michael.stanley@gogloscomms.co.uk

You can also book an appointment with us online here>>>https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=15368377

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